Chloë Joins the Culvert Club

Checking out a culvert.

We’re still a few weeks away from astronomical spring on the calendar, but the TV weatherperson said meteorological spring began March 1, and that’s good enough for me.

Indian plum.

This week, signs of spring were everywhere. The plum tree next door emerged in  full bloom. On our walks, Mike pointed out new growth on evergreen trees and young leaves and flowers on shrubs and ground covers. Heather’s snowdrops provided a bumper crop in our front yard, with crocus and hyacinth following soon after. Our back yard featured Lenten roses and fragrant sarcococca, with the currants not far behind.

Heather’s snowdrop crop.

Chloë checks another culvert.

That’s all fine, but to me they were no better than secondary attractions. I preferred the walks that took us downhill towards the Discovery Park Visitors Center, where the former military base’s  inner roads and drainage are more prevalent, and the water flows downhill through culverts below or ditches next to the trails. I’m always interested in sticking my nose where it don’t belong, and all of these dark places smell particularly attractive come spring. I can sometimes access six or eight of them in one circuit. When it comes to spring, that’s what I’m talking ’bout!


3 responses to “Chloë Joins the Culvert Club

  1. Lynn M. Clark

    Chloe we all know you have a nose for news, a good time and a bit of trouble. Cheers to scent filled adventures. Thanks for sharing the lovely neighborhood plantings. Hugs, lc

  2. Lorraine Mazza

    Thanks Chloe! We are a few weeks away from that —nice to see some flowers. Wind chill is bringing our day to 10 at the highest. Skippy doesn’t mind though. Say hi to Mine and Heather for me. 😘

  3. Lorraine Mazza

    Thanks Chloe! We are a few weeks away from that —nice to see some flowers. Wind chill is bringing our day to 10 at the highest. Skippy doesn’t mind though. Say hi to Mine and Heather for me. 😘

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